Harbor Architects LLC has over 50 years of experience in designing custom homes, from small to large. While we are very proud of our designs and past projects, we also value the privacy of our residential clients and do not display photos or floor plans of their homes in our marketing materials. For that reason, while all photos included in our marketing demonstrate design elements of our projects, most will be from commercial or public projects.Harbor Architects LLC creates unique, completely custom designs for each client, focusing on the vision that they bring to us and on the best way to achieve that vision within the framework of building codes, regional environmental considerations, and energy codes. We do not have stock plans and we do not reuse any previous plans for new clients.We often get calls with similar introductory questions, so we have created this to address those questions. Additional questions are always welcome, and we are happy to discuss your vision for your project with you any time.DESIGN STYLES
Harbor Architects LLC Staff were all born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and as such, the Pacific Northwest design style is one of our favorites. Pacific Northwest design utilizes exposed, unpainted wood and capitalizes on our majestic views to the natural environment. Harbor Architects LLC will be able to help you navigate the fine line between ample windows and access to views and the restrictive but necessary Washington State Energy Code.
In Grays Harbor, we are lucky to have many residential design styles represented from Colonial Revival, to Craftsman, to Modern, to Beach Cabin, and many in between. If your design style leans one of these directions, we can help you create the best project for your vision.
The design process starts with a residential questionnaire where the client sorts through their basic design needs from number of bedrooms to whether an alarm system is desired. Harbor Architects LLC reviews this survey then sits down for a meeting where the client may provide pictures of design concepts they like, sometimes including a basic sketched floor plan idea. At this meeting, additional details of the design idea will be determined, and the client will be helped to narrow down their thoughts. Once all of this is completed, Harbor Architects LLC will create an initial floor plan and building elevation. There will be some back-and-forth communication before creating the finalized Preliminary Design Concept.SCHEDULE
When planning to build a new house a very basic rule of thumb to follow is to start the design process a year before construction. Harbor Architects LLC creates each residence unique to a client. We do not have any pre-set plans that we can quickly hand off for a quick build. While each project is very different and the length of time devoted to each stage varies according to project size and complexity, the scheduling breaks down generally as follows:
Schematic Design: This is the beginning phase, where we meet with the client and help narrow down the vision into a final plan. This may involve multiple meetings, site visits, reviews of photos and sketches, discussion over the items in the residential questionnaire, and other conversations to help solidify the design.
Construction Documents: During this phase, we are creating the drawings, consulting with structural engineers and others to get any necessary evaluations or drawings, creating specifications, and working with the local building department to get permit applications submitted and approved. For some clients, once they have the final drawings and specifications in hand, they are confident enough to move forward on their own, and our involvement ends at this phase.
Contractor Selection: As an optional additional phase, we can assist with selecting a contractor for the project. This may involve recommending a few local contractors for the client to select from, or putting the project out for public bids.
Construction Administration: This is another optional phase, which includes periodic site visits to ensure that construction is going according to plan, communicating with the contractor throughout the building process to address any questions, and can include things such as processing payment applications and monitoring materials and products to ensure that they match the specifications.BUDGETING
With residential projects, budget is often the primary concern. Harbor Architects LLC recognizes the client’s need to have a clear picture of the project costs, particularly where architecture fees are concerned. Generally, our fees may equal 6-10% of the construction cost for the project. As an example, with a construction cost of $300,000 the architecture fee would range from $18,000 to $30,000. There are many variables for each project that help determine where in this range the project will fall. We typically see fees for new construction range between $25,000 and $50,000. Remodel projects are often in the $15,000 to $30,000 range, and new garage additions range between $12,000 and $20,000.
At Harbor Architects LLC we work to keep our fees low. We start a project working on an hourly basis through the preliminary design phase, where we will assist with documenting the ideas and priorities of the client. Once the basic design has been completed, if the client decides to move forward into full design services, we can provide a fee proposal which will break down the phases of the project and the expected fees for each. The standard progression is from Schematic Design to Construction Documents and Permitting. Harbor Architects LLC can also assist with Contractor Selection and Construction Administration if this is desired.BUDGETING
Structural design fees are included in the architecture fees, but normally things like cabinets, flooring, electrical plumbing and HVAC are bidder designed. Harbor Architects LLC will provide basic design parameters for these items, then the contractor for each will submit their own cost estimate matching the approved basic design. Additional costs to the client may also include soils testing and site surveying.
Fee proposals are established as a cost not to exceed. We will not charge beyond this unless there is an agreement for a scope of work change. Additional fees outside of the design process such as reimbursable in-house expenses will be charged at flat rates.MOVING FORWARD
We hope this information has helped answer your questions about the process of designing and building a home with Harbor Architects LLC.
We know that the home building process can seem intimidating and confusing at first. At Harbor Architects LLC, we aim to make this much more understandable. We are here to answer your questions and offer advice as you plan your new home or imagine new ways to remodel your existing home.
Once you’re ready to move forward, please reach out to us and we would be happy to assist you in realizing your vision.